We should all invest in recycled machine film from now onwards.
Plastics are indeed valuable commodities in the packaging ecosystem, but what happens to them post-usage?
National Geographic found that 91% of plastics are not recycled. In other words, only 9% of materials are recycled. A study in 2018 shows that mass production has created 8.3 billion metric tons of plastics—most of which end up in the trash.
This is alarming.
As a plastics manufacturer, we strive to close the plastic waste loop. Here are some initiatives that we are doing.
- Progressively develop innovative ideas to close the loop. We have recently launched #livegreen to strengthen our commitment towards sustainability through education, innovation, recycling, alternative sourcing and more.
- Help our clients to reduce damaged goods and unsaleables, all of which contributes to more wastes, with wrapping optimisation through state-of-the-art simulation test lab, Newton R&D Centre (link to Newton https://newton-centre.my/)
- Help our customers that will soon face the Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) law. Plastic packaging imported to the UK or manufactured in the UK that contains less than 30% recycled plastic will be subject to this new tax.
That is why we have chosen to put recycled materials back into the system so that plastics can live a longer lifespan of their usefulness.
By recycling, we reduce waste, reduce our carbon footprint, and close the material loop.
Are Recycled Machine Films Effective?
The issue is not just whether recycled machine films are effective but also when you will need to adopt the closing-the-loop business decisions.
The walls are closing in for those who are still doubtful of going through the recycled content route.
- The British government has set the Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) law with good reasons to promote sustainability through recycling, and others will most likely follow.
- The National Plastics Plan of Australia also accelerated 100% reusable, recyclable, or compostable packaging by 2025.
- Prices of virgin materials have seen to fluctuate due to recent global climate and demand changes. (https://www.thongguan.com/nano-10-micron-what-can-you-do-to-outsmart-the-plastic-resins-price-surge/)
- It is unsustainable to use single-use plastics because they are made from nonrenewable resources and produce pollution.
Whatever the reasons, we understand your hesitancy towards recycled films.
Such as,
- Are recycled films are as good as virgin films?
- Shouldn’t recycled films be cheaper?
- Is the quality lower?
- Can recycled machine films still get the job done at the end of the day?
Check out our #RecycledPlastic article series, and you may find more information about it.
Meanwhile, here is some answer to your questions.
When we use suitable plastic wastes, clean them thoroughly and processed them in a conducive environment, recycled plastic machine films are surprisingly comparable to conventional stretch films.
Yes, it may take extra work to collect plastic waste for recycling to repurpose it, but it is even more painful if you don’t recycle.
But more than that, moving towards recycled films is sustainable for the packaging ecosystem.
Let us show you what the benefits are and why you should embrace recycled materials for films, how it fits into your wrapping process (machine) and how you can test it to have the assurance of safe deliveries.
Let’s Talk About Recycled Machine Film
If you are not new to recycled films, you know that machine film with 30% recycled materials is uncommon for semi-auto wrapping applications.
Many are still unaware of such green initiatives but will eventually hear more sustainability policies around the world like the UK’s PPT implementation.
As mentioned, It is important to have films with at least 30% recycled materials because it meets sustainable policies.
Businesses that make and import plastic packaging and consumers who buy goods packaged in plastic in the UK will be affected by plastic packaging that doesn’t contain 30% recycled plastic.
That is why it matters to source films with recycled materials that suit your needs before April 2022.
Besides avoiding hefty taxes, you are championing “loop closing”, too.
You support and encourage the sustainability movement within the industrial chain and economy loop when you purchase recycled plastic films.
More plastic producers like us, stakeholders and end-users would be more supportive and involved in utilising recycled content in packaging arrangements.
Recycled content has so much potential to be developed in the packaging industry. Perhaps this little push will help end-users discover alternative green products that can also do the job and protect our precious resources at the same time.
One of such is our #loopcloser below.
Introducing NanoGreen, TG’s First High-Quality Recycled Machine Film
Made with 30% recycled materials, NanoGreen stretch film is designed to meet your requirements.
Apart from giving life to waste, our specially formulated film meets your requirements through laborious processes and rigorous testing to ensure they secure your goods, as well as virgin films.
Even with recycled materials, compromising on pallet load stability is not an option.
Here are some other points that you can look forward to:
- Sustainability – Significantly reduces CO2 emissions with 30% recycled content
- High Load Containment Force – Higher holding force and allows you to achieve optimum wrap
- Preserving the safety of your goods – From packing to fulfilment of the order. If you keep your goods safe, you reduce waste from damaged and unsaleable merchandise.
- Cost-Efficient – Costs for wrapping are relatively comparable to virgin plastic material
- Ideal without compromise – build sustainability without sacrificing properties of stretch film.
- No Easy Snapping – Highly consistent film thickness that prevents easy snapping
- Green – Traceability through green reporting on sustainable goals.
Here is a video of NanoGreen in action, a test at Newton R&D Centre on load containment performance.
We’re excited to announce that, when you get NanoGreen from us, in the near future, you will be joining efforts with a recognised Global Recycling Standards (GRS)—ISCC+ accreditation.
Yes, you heard right. We’re taking our closing-the-loop and sustainability initiatives a step further by making our efforts quantifiable.
That’s a plus point: you can show your customers that you are serious about sustainability and participating in a global movement to close the loop. Some of the other brands that have also applied for this accreditation are, e.g. Coca-Cola, Unilever, and Soy Network Switzerland.
How does this film fit into your wrapping process?
NanoGreen performs comparably just like other machine stretch films in the market.
It covers the aspects of:
- Excellent stretch force
- High Anti-tear resistance
- Outstanding puncture resistance
The film is suitable for semi-auto machines with an operating range of 200% stretch for 15 um films, which is premium and ideal for most users in the supply chain.
Testing Your Recycled Machine Film Before Delivery
So NanoGreen sounds interesting, but can this recycled plastic film perform on the job?
Fret not; this is where Newton Research & Development Centre can help ensure this and clear this concern once and for all.
Newton can test out your film and ensure load stability and optimise your wraps. Peace of mind awaits, no more worries.
Newton R&D Centre’s popular acceleration and deceleration tests showed us that NanoGreen works on your semi-auto wrappers.
Conclusion: We Have Moved Ahead, How About You?
Yes, using recycled machine film sure saves on tax, but more importantly, it promotes sustainability.
It’s not just about pointing fingers at who should start first, as sustainability is everyone’s responsibility.
Thong Guan is ready to help you with that. With our premium recycled machine film, we can help tie everything together and support you in reaching your sustainable goals faster.
It’s your move now; let’s close the loop together.
Contact us at info@thongguan.com and let us show you how.