Thong Guan Industries Berhad (Registration No. 199401038519 (324203-K)) recently celebrated its 75th anniversary at Equatorial Hotel, Penang. Customers, partners, and business associates from more than 30 countries attended the historic event.
It was a very well-organised and successful event, witnessed by Thong Guan’s group of directors and the guest of honour, YAB Senator Dato’ Lee Chee Leong, Second Deputy Minister of Finance and YB Dato’ Hj Tajul Urus Mat Zain, Kedah State Executive Counsellor.
The “DOUBLE UP” slogan was announced by our Managing director, Dato’ Ang Poon Chuan during the event. This was the key message and it will be a 3-year plan in order to achieve a sales revenue increment from RM750 million to RM1.5 billion by 2020.
Newton R&D Centre’s Grand Opening was held on the same day to make the day even more memorable for Thong Guan.
We were privileged to have YB Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Chuan, Minister of International Trade and Industry (II) to officiate the grand opening. Newton R&D Centre is the first dynamic simulation lab in Asia Pacific, which focuses on pallet load stability and safety. Ultimately, reducing damaged goods during transit.
For more info, please visit Newton’s website at newton-centre.my.